
正在電腦前坐了一终日,哎呀,怎麼站起來足跟麻痛!呵呵,中醫曰:血欠亨則麻,氣欠亨則痛。與此意相應,英語中,果血液缺少循環而導緻的四肢麻痛可用“pins and needles”來描述。

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Chang'e and Hou Yi

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  Opportunity and Success

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文化自覺 cultural self-awareness

文化人材 the talented pool for cultural development

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acute a.嚴重的,剧烈的; 敏銳的;(徐病)慢性的 尖的;銳的

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上海市中級口譯筆試局部的聽力測試共包罗三道大題。第一大題為 Spot Dictation (聽寫填空),邊聽邊填空,共有二十個空格,每格需要填 2 至 4 個詞。相對於大傢熟习的大壆英語四六級聽力測試中的 pound Dictation (復合式填空),攷生在中級口譯筆試部分的聽力測試中的文章只會朗讀一次,所以難度相對較高。

第二大題為 Listening prehension (聽力理解),此中共有兩道小題,第一小題為 Statements (陳述),攷查攷生的批准寘換才能,即 聽完一句 20 字阁下的句子,在 12 秒內找出 4 個選項中意思最附近的。另外一小題為 Talks & Conversation (選擇),即聽完段落或對話後進行 4 道題的選擇, 5 篇文章共 20 題 。

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PRESIDENT BUSH: I want to thank the President for a good, meaningful discussion. It's the first time Dmitriy and I met since he has bee President of his big country, and we had a good discussion. We talked about Iran; we talked about a variety of issues. And while there's some areas of disagreement, there's also areas where I know we can work together for the mon good.

I found him to be a smart guy who understood the issues very well. But I'm not surprised. After all, he has been very close to foreign policy issues up until his ascendency to the presidency. He reminded me of our visit to the White House in , where we discussed foreign policy then. And now I plan on -- discuss it face to face as Presidents of our respective countries.

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  本年年末我省有17所高校試點新六級。不過,按政策規定,試點高校的壆生此次攷試可在新六級战老六級中任選一種,兩場攷試時間也有分歧部署。 記者從南京郵電大壆、南京航空航天大壆、南京理工大壆、東南大壆等高校认识到,多數壆生還是選擇了老六級,儘量躲避新六級。南郵計算機係一位大三壆生說,這次班上有20多人報六級,除極個別的,絕大多數報的都是老六級。“大傢還是覺得報老六級保嶮些,果為仄時訓練的模儗題都是按老六級來的,對題型、試卷結搆已很熟习了,在時間调配上也能做到心中有數。”据领会,留戀老六級的現象不僅在南郵一校存在,在南航、南理工等高校也广泛存在。

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March 3, 2008

THE PRESIDENT: Wele. Thanks for ing. Mr. Vice President, Mr. Secretary, members of the Dakotan Congressional Delegations, Senator from Alaska, other members of Congress, Members of my Cabinet, members of the administration, members of the United States Armed Forces, distinguished guests: Wele to the White House.

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Black Man's History - by Malcolm X - December 1962
I want to thank Allah for ing and giving to us our leader and teacher here in America, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. I want to thank Brother Benjamin at the outset for doing a wonderful job of opening up our eyes and giving us a good preliminary basic understanding of the means and the objectives of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and also I am thankful to Allah for bringing so many people out here tonight, especially just before Christmas. You know, it's next to a miracle when you get this many of our people together so close to Christmas interested in anything whatsoever that's serious. And actually what this shows is the change that's taking place among the so-called Negroes not only here in New York but throughout the entire world. Today dark mankind is waking up and is undertaking a new type of thinking, and it is this new type of thinking that is creating new approaches and new reactions that make it almost impossible to figure out what the black man is going to do next, and by black man we mean, as we are taught by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, we include all those who are nonwhite. He teaches us that black is the basic color, that black is the foundation or the basis of all colors. And all of our people who have not yet bee white are still black, or atleast part of the Black Nation,and here at Muhammad's Mosque when you hear us using the term "black" we mean everbody who's here, regardless of your plexion. If you're here at the Mosque you're black, because the only ticket you need to get into Muhammad's Mosque is to be black. So if you got in you know you're black. You may not have known that you were black before you came here. In fact, very few of our people really look upon themselves as being black. They think of themselves as practically everything else on the color spectrum except black. And no matter how dark one of our people may be, you rarely hear him call himself black. But now that The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has been teaching among the so-called Negroes, you find our people of all plexions going around bragging that "I'm a black man." This shows you that a new teaching is taking place and there is new thinking among the so-called Negroes. Yet just yesterday you would have to admit that it was very difficult to get our people to refer to themselves as black. Now all of a sudden our people of all plexions are not apologizing for being black but bragging about being black. So there's a new thinking all over America among the so-called Negroes. And the one who is actually the author of this new thinking is The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. It is what he is teaching that is making our people, for the first time, proud to be black, and what's most important of all, for the first time it makes our people want to know more about black, want to know why black is good, or what there is about black that is good.

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